Toxic Shame

Hello, beautiful people, it's Peytona! Sorry for the delay. I planned on writing yesterday, but I got distracted. I've been watching anime and gameplays. Lol. 

Anyways, how are you doing? Happy Sunday! Did you have a good weekend? Post in the comments and tell me what you did. I went to bible talk with my small group. That was a lotta fun. Oh! Guess what? I had another radio interview on Thursday. It was so much fun! This guy was broadcasting from Pittsburgh. He seemed really nice and he's gonna help me get connected with some celebs! I'm so excited! I also went to Celebrate Recovery with a friend and had a blast. Have you heard of it? It's a cool program on helping people with their addictions and mental illnesses. We had a lesson on toxic shame (hence the title of this post). I found it to be really helpful. It reminded me that I need to keep being proactive in my recovery from toxic shame. Do you struggle with it too? What have you done to help you fight against it? I find prayer helps me and looking at God's word. Seeing the truth about myself in the Bible helps me love myself better. 

I just read Psalm 139 today. Do you know what it means to be fearfully and wonderfully made? I googled it. Lol. And I learned a lot from that. Fearfully means with great reverence, heartfelt interest, and respect. Wonderfully means unique, set apart, and marvelous. Isn't that awesome??? To know that the God of the universe respects us and reveres us? That's mindblowing to me! I don't deserve His respect or reverence. I'm so thankful to God for His love! If you haven't read Psalm 139 I encourage you to do so. And my all time favorite scripture, Psalm 103. Both psalms are amazing. 

Are you into anime? I'm watching so many different shows right now. I just got into Inuyasha and One Punch Man. I love the plot lines. I'm also watching Boruto, Fairy Tail, JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, and One Piece. I'm a big shounen fan. What shows are you into right now? Post in the comments!

Well, I'm probably gonna go. Pray for me. I have surgery on Tuesday. I have to get my wisdom teeth extracted. Yikes. But I'm hoping it'll go smoothly. Please pray that it does. Thanks guys! Love you all. I'll (*fingers crossed*) see you on Tuesday for another excerpt. We'll see how I'm feeling. ?????????

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